People say I'm such a quiet girl, sensitive, caring, and doesn't like to bother people. I love to analyze anything: people, situation, even weather! Watching the sky at night comforts me. Seeing the sparkling stars, shinning moon, I feel like I have a companion up there. Over all, I'm just an ordinary girl who puts interest on art. Like it's written on one of my poem, I enjoy drawing, I love to dance, I like writing poems, and I spend most of my time singing. I love to be surrounded with people I love, loving them, and also be loved by them. I hate to be in the midl' of crowd or hectic situation. I really don't belong there. I like everything simple but chic. I love surprises, especially the good ones! :)  
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Menjalani hari2 kayak gini menyenangkan juga :) Bangun pagi buat sholat, trus bobo lagi sampe jam 7, trus mandi dan nonton tipi. Liat acara gosip, sinetron2 gak penting, akhirnya nonton DVD karena udh give up sama acara yang gak jelas juntrungannya. Siang maem di rumah, trus ngerjain kerjaan2 freelance sambil online, trus bobo kalo ngantuk. Sore mandi dan nonton tipi lagi, sms dan telp hunihku (itu klo giliran gue yg nelp, hehe :P), makan malem, trus bobo klo acara tipi jelek. Enak banget kaaannnnn??? :D

Skr udh ditawarin freelance sana-sini, agak bikin pusing juga. Blum pasti sih, tapi pasti merubah hari2 dirumah gue yang menyenangkan itu, huehehe :P Gapapa deh, selama statusnya freelance, ya tho??? :D

posted by Wulan Hanson 4:55 PM |