People say I'm such a quiet girl, sensitive, caring, and doesn't like to bother people. I love to analyze anything: people, situation, even weather! Watching the sky at night comforts me. Seeing the sparkling stars, shinning moon, I feel like I have a companion up there. Over all, I'm just an ordinary girl who puts interest on art. Like it's written on one of my poem, I enjoy drawing, I love to dance, I like writing poems, and I spend most of my time singing. I love to be surrounded with people I love, loving them, and also be loved by them. I hate to be in the midl' of crowd or hectic situation. I really don't belong there. I like everything simple but chic. I love surprises, especially the good ones! :)  
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Insya Allah, besok gue akhirnya jadi juga brangkat ke tanah suci. Deg2an, pasti lah. Tapi gue pasrah aja deh, lillahi ta'ala. Mudah2an gue beserta bonyok diberi kemudahan lahir bathin, kelancaran, dan keselamatan hingga kami kembali ke tanah air dengan sehat wal afiat. Dan mudah2an amal ibadah kami disana diterima oleh-Nya, amin. Mohon maaf klo dakuw punya dosa, dan do'akan ya! Sampai ketemu lagi disini.. :)

posted by Wulan Hanson 6:22 PM |